Saturday, December 17, 2011

Because he's the half of my heart.

He’s my love, my mood, my half, my life. I love him, I truly love him and for him,I’ll do anything. With your love, I want to complete this heart, because without you, it is worth nothing. I love you my dear and I’ll never write it enought. ♥
I Love You ^^

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

How to Respect a lady ^^

Assalammualaikum,Hai All^^
Today Ai wanna share some tips for a man  who don't know how to respect,treat or to show their love towards their girls,so lets read and practice it, for sure your girl will always smile and feel you are everything :))
So what are you waiting for lets check it out.. ^_^

Treat her nicely
Treat her like you would want a man to treat your sister, In other words, treat her as a person, not an object. Really treat her like a princess and always try and give her comments that make her feel good rather than put her down

Listen to her opinions or ideas
Listen to her opinions or ideas. Appreciate her as she is and never underestimate her intelligence. Treat her as an equal. Call her in advance to make plans to go out and never assume that she doesn’t have anything better already scheduled.

Listen to her and respond in a non-condescending manner
Listen to her and respond in a non-condescending manner. Be there for her if she’s crying or upset by holding her. compliment her…if you think she is beautiful say it! “beautiful” is so much more respectful than “hot”. Love and learn to appreciate her for who she is, as well as her body type. Don’t try and change her physically, just love her natural beauty.

Hold hands with her 
Hold hands with her on the street…don’t be ashamed to be romantic and when you meet up with your friends, introduce her. Don’t ever cheat on her…talk things through.

Be a gentleman
Be a gentleman! Look out for her feelings, accept her values/morals, be interested in her life, ask her what’s going on, be helpful, never put her down, if she’s wrong don’t go out of your way to prove her. Be nice and treat her like she is special. Don’t push her to do things she is not ready for. Treat her with respect and pay attention to the small things.

Don’t put her down, or make her feel uncomfortable
Don’t put her down, or make her feel uncomfortable when you are hanging out together with your friends or your parents, Stand up for her, if one of your friends puts her down, confront them and tell them that it is not okay.


Sunday, December 4, 2011

Don't Understand,Why girls go back to the guy who useless!!

why girls go back to the guy who cheats, beats, and treats them like shit. It’s like they say they’re done and then all a sudden they’re back to the same bullshit they just got out of. I’ve been through all that and if I can do it anyone can. I DON’T CARE if you have 5 kids or you’ve been with him for 20 years, WHATEVER! I don’t know why you allow yourself to be treated like crap and settle for less. You are not just affecting your own life but your kids as well. Think of your kids! You are giving them an example of how their future spouse should treat them. Just think about this, someone is out there for you, waiting to just love ALL OF YOU! Please be strong, I know it is soo hard and it’s gonna be even harder to not go back to all that mess but honey, you are better off without him. We all only live once. Do you really wanna live like this for the rest of your life? 

#Girls, do not give up the beginning is always the hardest. We deserve to get a better life with a better men :))
The broken heart derives from the feelings that we get when someone emotionally hurts us 

Please girl,You can be a skyscraper, You must moving on ^^

 Moving forward don't looking back :))